Created by God, for a Purpose—Know Him, Find Freedom, and Live to Make a Difference.

Welcome! We're glad you're here.

We know it can be overwhelming to come to a church for the first time. We hope to take the burden off of you, because we believe that you belong in the family of God. When you come to a service, every entrance we will have hosts waiting to welcome you, show you around, and answer any questions you may have. Here on this page you can pre-register your children, get answers to common questions, and find information about ministries for you and your family.

We're Glad
You're Here. 

We know how overwhelming it can be to come to a church for the first time. We have intentionally designed our experience to take the burden off of you, because we believe that you belong here. At every entrance we will have hosts waiting to welcome you, show you around, and answer any questions you may have. You can also use this page to pre-register your children, get answers to common questions, and find information about ministries for you and your family.

Welcome Centers

The Welcome Center can be found in the center of our main lobby. If it's your first time with us or you haven't done so yet, we invite you to stop by on your way in or out of the service to meet a friendly face and ask any questions you may have.

The Service

Our services are where we come together to worship, to celebrate the presence of God with singing, and to receive a practical and inspiring message from God's Word.

The Café

Be sure to stop by the café before service to pick up your coffee of choice. We would love to serve you!

Next Steps

Our Next Steps / Resource Center is located in the main lobby. This is the place to learn about Small Groups, Discover Celebration, Water Baptism, and other next steps to help you with your walk in Christ. You can also check out a curated selection of books made available for purchase that we hope will help you in your walk with Christ.

Welcome Tents

The Welcome Areas can be found near both main entrances to the building. If it's your first time with us or you haven't done so yet, we invite you to stop by on your way in or out of the service to meet a friendly face and ask any questions you may have.

The Café

Be sure to stop by the café before service to pick up your coffee of choice. We would love to serve you!

The Service

Our services are where we come together to worship, to celebrate the presence of God with singing, and to receive a practical and inspiring message from God's Word.

Next Steps Center

Our Next Steps Center is located at the West Side Lobby entrance. This is the place to learn about available Small Groups, Growth Track, Baptism and other next steps to help you with your walk in Christ. You can stop by to meet someone and ask any questions you may have.

Celebration Kids

Celebration has creative environments where your kids will not only feel like they belong, but will also be encouraged to grow in their relationship with Christ. Nursery, Preschool, and Celebration Kids services are available during both Sunday morning worship services.

Check-In & Security

Safety is our top priority. Parents are provided a security tag and alphanumeric code when checking in their child, and they must keep and present this tag in order to pick their child up at the end of service. All of children’s Dream Team members are professionally screened and trained to serve in their particular age group’s setting.

Medical Needs & Allergies

Please make a note of any medical needs or allergies that your child has when registering. These notes will appear on your child’s name tag to alert all teachers of these precautions. We only provide snacks that do not contain some of the most common allergens and are happy to serve your child a different, specified snack if you provide it. Our nursery and preschool classrooms provide snacks weekly; our Celebration Kids service does not typically include a snack.

Special Needs Services

We are here to help families of children with special needs have a great experience. Celebration Care aims to integrate children into the classroom or service that is best suited for their developmental stage while often partnering them with a “buddy” to serve alongside them one-on-one. Feel free to contact us for details about this ministry.

Service Times

Sundays  |  9:15a & 11:00a
First Wednesdays  |  6:30p