Small Groups

Sermon Discussion

Leading a Sermon Discussion Group is an easy and perfect way to connect with others as we reflect on God’s Word together. This group offers a welcoming space for everyone to come together, share their thoughts, and grow in faith. Each week, you’ll dive into the sermon, discussing what God is teaching us, how it applies to our lives, and how we can turn those insights into action.

This type of group is all about supporting each other in living out our faith. It’s a place where everyone has a voice, and together, we can encourage one another, pray for one another, and deepen our relationship with God. By facilitating these conversations, you’ll help create an environment where people feel heard, supported, and challenged to grow.

To make leading a Sermon Discussion Group even easier, we’ll provide you with a weekly discussion guide. This guide will include key points from the sermon, thought-provoking questions, and practical applications that will help spark meaningful conversations. 

Here are some examples of what you might discuss:

  • Reflection on the Sermon: What stood out to you? 
  • Personal Insights: What is God teaching you through this message? How does it challenge or encourage you?
  • Action Steps: How can we turn what we’ve learned into action this week? What steps can we take to live out our faith more fully?
  • Prayer and Support: How can we pray for each other in light of this message? Are there specific challenges or opportunities we can support each other through?

If you’re looking for a way to create a strong, Christ-centered community while exploring the message each week, leading a Sermon Discussion Group is the perfect place to start. It’s a simple yet impactful way to connect, grow, and help others live out their faith in everyday life.

Small Group Flow:
  • Fellowship (20-30 minutes)
  • Discussion (25-40 minutes)